Unleash your inner startup
Choose Heroku for the same reasons disruptive startups do: it’s the best platform for building with modern architectures, innovating quickly, and scaling precisely to meet demand.
Focus on your apps
Invest in apps, not ops. Heroku handles the hard stuff — patching and upgrading, 24/7 ops and security, build systems, failovers, and more — so your developers can stay focused on building great apps.
Turn your company into an apps company
Today every company needs apps to engage their customers and run their businesses. Step up your ability to build, manage, and deploy great apps at scale with Heroku.
Powerful platform, unparalleled ecosystem
Don’t reinvent the wheel. Heroku’s 150+ third-party add-ons, 1000+ open source buildpacks, and 3000+ ready-to-deploy Heroku Buttons provides a rich ecosystem of pre-integrated extensions and services.
Apache Kafka on Heroku
Build data-intensive apps using the leading open source solution for managing event streams, all with the ease of the Heroku developer experience.
Heroku平台的靈活性極高且支持多種編程語言。若想把程序部署到Heroku上,開發者要使用Git把程序推送到Heroku的Git服務器上。在服務器上,git push命令會自動觸發安裝、配置和部署程序。
Heroku使用名爲Dyno的計算單元衡量用量,並以此爲依據收取服務費用。最常用的Dyno類型是Web Dyno,表示一個Web服務器實例。程序可以通過使用更多的Web Dyno以增強其請求處理能力。另一種Dyno類型是Worker Dyno,用來執行後台作業或其他輔助任務。
Heroku提供了大量的插件和擴展,可用于數據庫、電子郵件支持和其他很多服務。 |