admin 發表於 2017-1-19 12:21:15


Receive SMS Online for FREE and with NO Registration
On this site you will find some numbers you can send SMS text messages to and the messages will show up on the web.
Select a number:
Pick a number with less activity. The numbers may also be connected to different networks.


Customer Testimony
United Arab Emirates This is an amazing service, I am very happy to see, as I have spent 2 hours to find this. Great job, hats off....

This site is useful for:
Getting a message when you want to keep your real phone number to yourself. When your ex-wife wants to send you a text message.
Your phone has stopped working. One of the children that assembled the phone in China made a mistake.
You don't have a phone because you are living off the grid and don't carry a trendy tracking and profiling device.
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