admin 發表於 2016-8-30 06:57:52


Sitelutions proudly offers fully redundant high-quality DNS services to our Club Members for free. Sign up, purchase a Club Membership, and setup DNS today! We currently do not require that domain names be registered with Sitelutions Registrar if you are a Club Member. You might also want to check out our Backup Mail Services, providing you with a redundant mail setup at minimal fees.

Sign up for a FREE Account Now!
We provide both static and dynamic DNS services. We feel that our DNS services truly compliment our hosting and domain name registration services, providing you with all of the solutions you'll need for your site, all in one place.

Sitelutions DNSTM Features and Perks Domain Name Service:For domains registered with Sitelutions Registrar AND for all domains that you own (whether or not they are registered through Sitelutions) if you are a Club Member. Full Redundancy:Our DNS systems are fully redundant, with DNS servers in separate physical locations on completely independent networks. Should one provider go down or a network outage should occur at one location, uptime will not be affected. Easy, Web-Based Control for DNS & Redirection:Our DNS system is controlled via a simple web interface which also provides redirection services in addition to DNS. All updates made via the web interface instantly propagate to all secondary servers. Instant Dynamic Updates:Our Dynamic DNS service instantly propagates all updates to all of our servers. Our redundant system ensures that your update client can always reach one of our servers (our web site is also fully redundant). This means that your DNS information is always up-to-date. This is something that most Dynamic DNS services cannot provide. Low TTL Settings:Especially important for those using Dynamic DNS, we allow you to set your record's time-to-live value to as low as 5 seconds, ensuring that users will always get the most up-to-date information from our nameservers! DNS API:We offer access to our DNS API to all Sitelutions users who have a Premium DNS membership at the Insider's Club. The API allows users to build custom softwareand processes as they desire, to help streamline DNS functions exactly how they want it.


admin 發表於 2023-5-16 22:05:21

       Sitelutions最初被稱為 "OnTheWeb服務",主要是作為一種URL重定向服務,由數據中心和主機託管提供商InfoRelay創建,成立於1995年,總部位於美國。2002年中期,Sitelutions誕生並取代OnTheWeb。2003年3月,OnTheWeb成為Sitelutions提供的網站解決方案。2014年10月,在提供免費DNS和重定向大約14年後,Sitelutions被迫關閉免費DNS和重定向服務。多年來,免費服務開始招致大量濫用,包括非常大規模的DDoS攻擊。這些攻擊會影響提供給付費客戶的服務,而且妥善緩解這些攻擊的成本非常高。
       為了繼續為Sitelutions所有的客戶提供優質服務,更新和設置新的DNS和重定向記錄,您必須是Sitelutions Insider's Club會員,或者基本的DNS和重定向包含在Sitelutions註冊的域名中。現在Sitelutions專注於域名註冊和網絡託管服務。



       登陸後臺管理面板,選擇「Account Control」➠「URL and DNS」,點擊「Add Subdomain」輸入可申請的域名前綴,選擇域名後綴,然後再點擊「Add Host」即可,後臺管理界面會顯示剛剛註冊申請的免費二級域名。點擊域名後面的「Advanced Config & DDNS」,選擇「NS Records (Nameservers for this host)」,點擊「click here」➠再點擊「Add Record」添加NS記錄。注意:NS服務器地址後面必須帶“.”點,否則不會生效!登陸HE.NET添加新申請的域名即可。


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查看完整版本: 美國Sitelutions紐埃RR.Nu免費二級域名支持第三方DNS解析服務

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